Co-funded by the European Solidarity Corps of the European Union
“PUSH THE CULTURE – Youth and volunteering as a medium of cultural growth” is a project that brings together young people from two different European countries – Germany and Bulgaria within a year, in an environment different from theirs.
Our mission of the project is to boost the interest of young people from 17 to 30 years of age, to dance and music art, to the processes of creating dance work, managing their own project, learning about the constructive and educating power of art, culture and volunteering.
The goals of our project:
– promoting European and international exchanges to develop the sharing of experience in solidarity;
– the meeting of European cultures as training for active citizenship, the use of art as a tool for social growth and
– encouraging young people to be proactive, confident, rediscover their talents, communicate, share and actively participate in changing the world around them for the better;
– support for future realizations of the young people participating in the project, through their meeting with a community of
professionals in the field of dance and music arts, managers of creative spaces and dance centres, the involvement of the
youngsters in the international network of creative contacts of our organization, their involvement in managing different cultural projects and giving them the freedom to carry out their own project.