Duration: 30 minutes

Choreographer: Stefaniya Georgieva

Dancers: Kalina Georgieva, Dorina Puncheva, Pepi Koleva,
Eleonora Miteva, Tsvetan Apostolov, Milen Petrov, Dimitar Goranov

Music and video: Johannes Schropp (Germany)
Photographer: Ivan-Alexander Ivanov / Photo-Corpus and Mihaela Draganova

“I WANT” is a dance performance, subordinated to the theme of desires and
their destructive power in a relationship, when they are an end in themselves
when they pursue personal goals and satisfy illusions.
The work that inspired the concept for the show is from Jorge Bucay’s book –
“Fairy Tales”. It raises many questions about the relationship between man and
woman. Finding balance in your relationship with another person is a very
difficult, often impossible task, which is present in people’s daily lives, excites
them, makes them fall into different states and seek answers. Through the
aesthetics of contemporary dance, we tell the stories of seven people, sink
into the floating sands of communication between them and seek a solution to
the “mystery”.
The project is implemented with the financial support of the Ministry of Culture of the
Republic of Bulgaria and is implemented in partnership with the Municipality of
Bolyarovo, Voden City Hall and Community Center “Ana Maimunkova – 1894”, Voden.

Masaru Emoto